Sunday, September 29, 2013

Class 4: assignment 4: Mars Rover

For this assignment, I used the Mars Rover Sojourner as a model.
However, mine has some modifications, such a telescopic camera mount.
Getting started

I had some trouble keeping it all together

And then I remembered how to link items

I linked all the wheels with the body so they all stay together on the same axis

I lifted my rover to demonstrate that all parts are linked

not quite done, needs a camera mount

And why not a telescopic lens  on top!

From afar, it is all done. (albeit not so great!)

Class 4: Assignment 3: OpenSim Group Build

Suzanne Veiga and Noah Benjamin-Pollack worked with me on this task

They started on the house...

While I threw down a pool

Noah and Suzanne did some landscaping...

And laid down a nice walkway to the pool for us

Suzanne came in and helped me out with the foundation for the pool

Finished Product!

All that work just gone! Demolished!

Class 4: Assignment 2h: Terraforming

Selecting the terrain I want to edit

Using my large bulldozer to smooth out this land.

Class 4: Assignment 2g: Annoyances

Beacons for Muting!

This music is bad! (MUTED!!) Now if only I could stop dancing. (STOP ANIMATING ME!!)

Pesky Foot Shadows

Class 4: Assignment 2f : Linking Prims




Class 4: Assignment 2e: Copying Prims in OpenSim

3...SHIFT+ DRAG= viola!


(ALSO: I just realized I had not been putting my name BOLDLY in all my screenshots)

Class 4: Assignment 2d: OpenSim Grid
Accessing the grid



Class 4: Assignment 2c: Using undo
Basic Prim

Move it to in between the railing

move it back using undo

Class 4: Assignment 2b: Navigating small spaces
My view was blocked under this tree

I move my mouse roller forward to change to mouse view, now i can see the moon from beneath this tree

As I walked onto the porch, the roof obstructed my view from the camera angle I was using

Going to my menu and selecting Camera Controls, I can zoom the point of view in and see my avatar from the ceiling of the porch point of view

Class 4: Assignment 2a: OpenSim appearance
I changed his pose so that his arms are facing down and his legs are spread out

I made his torso as skinny as can be, and he is as tall as is possible

There are no outfit changes for the dragon, but I did raise his head a bit higher, as well as the height of the wings on his back

The finished product

Class 4: Assignment 1: OpenSim Avatars

TRYING in OSGrid. (It said my outfit was downloading, but after hours it was still just a white circle, so I switched back to Second Life, where I was able to edit my Dragon avatar.)

Sitting down in Second Life

I changed the color of my avatars horns, wings and tail

I made the head 72% transparent so I can see through to his eyes

I changed the camera angle to be an overhead, nosebleed section shot